Friday, September 20, 2013


assalamualaikum wbt..

for once in my life, it change.
the whole scenes seems to messed up..
i wonder when to do this started?
it is a good thing or the other way round?
its been so long i have stuck in this pace of enjoying journey of life
seems like i am a zombie to my self
note that i am a zombie!
the soul has not brighten up
the energy is blurghh..
i didnt even know who am i now
where am i?
where shall i stand among the crowds?
do i really stands out?
do the change effected me?
do change effected all of us?
the bonds have change..
i miss the old times..
where we all can even notice that changes can change all of us
again change
had brought me to this level
its so hard to even faking it in front of others
so theres change
that change all of us

a little thing called heart

assalamualaikum wbt..

pernahkah kita berfikir kenapa kita dikurniakan hati dan perasaan
hati ini telah melalui pelbagai ranjau
haluannya berduri..habis luka hingga menusuk ke dalam hati
lalu perasaan datang menjenguk..
menemani setiap emosi yang bermain di dalam hati
memilih untuk mempamerkan atau melindungi dari segenap pandangan manusia

tetapi hati masih kian berdarah dan luka
kadang kala persaan yang disembunyikan tidakk mampu memulihkan hati
tatkala kita disinggahi dengan tangisan
kerana itu sahaja cara yang paling mudah dalam memujuk hati

kesannya tidak lama
apabila otak berfikir terkenangkan ia
hati kembali terusik dan ketika itu
perasaan menjadi celaru
buntu memikirkan apa yang harus dipamerkan

kerana hati itu lembut walau kelonsong pemakainya kelihatan ganas
sedikit terusik pelbagai perasaan menjelma
dikatakan hati menggerak manusia
ke arah apa?

hati yang sifatnya memg sedia lembut tidak harus diisi dengan kekerasan
aku punya hati lalu sexara langsungnya aku punya perasaan
hati yang telah lama tidak diubati

kini si kelonsong pemakai itu hanya berfikir
tetapi tidak bertindak
kerana semngatnya pergi sedikit demi sedikit seperti hatinya

Monday, January 7, 2013



its been ages since my last update.. you see sometime I feels like don't  wanna continue all of this..even though i was thrilled about it at first. not much to say today, yup its gonna be a very short entry.. tq 

as most people yang ade kat universiti itu, now everyone is in exam u walk around the corridor, u will see everyone with their books. and guess what?? it does make me feels is a normal reactions whenever you guys see your friends were struggling for the exam, yet here you are..doing nothing..still sleeping..enjoy the time leisurely. seriously, i am in that group.

FYI, it is suck to be in that particular group. i cant study, sleeps till the next semester come. yup it suits me very well. well done! here i just wanna say, i want to go out from the group. leave the group forever. but, how? just how?? how to make an advance moves when my basic skill all over the place..??

thinking about it makes me sad. yeah i know crying doesn't help solving this matter. it how you react towards the problems. once, a motivator was said,

" it is not your result that really matter ... it is your effort ... no matter what is the final result ... have you tried your best for it ...?

Keep trying ... and if you keep on doing what you have always done you will keep on getting what you have always got ...

If you don't like the final result then change the way how you do things !"

and from what I've done, i certainly can predict hows my result will be...