Wednesday, May 23, 2012

breaking dawn?haha no2..

assalmualaikum wbt.. kalau x jawab dosa,kalau jawab sayang..hahah okeyh copy mars hikhik sori mars :p

its first rejab how was ur first rejab day? wonderful? blissful? painful? cheerful? playful?  so kat sni i nk cte sket je.. about my first rejab day..hehe so as said most people will be fasting on the first day of rejab.. so am i.. *muke bangge* hahah

well people, today was not my greatest day ever la.. (in my fasting history) y? y? bcoz..all day long..i was like papan bergerak which is i am not papan..mmg bukan ak la cmtu kan..hahah actually i am not feeling well sgt la..baru pg2 start puase dh rase mcm nk throw up.. but puase kan kne la thn sedaye upaye throughout the day i was like -,- feels like emotionless gile..org2 sekitar wt lawak, sume org gelak mcam nk pecah perut..and once again i was like.. -_-' <------ tekanan sbb x dpt nk gelak skali.. this is because everytime i was trying to laugh then my head kne serang headache macam migraine although i never ever been diagnosed with that migraine stuff.. alhamdullilah :D so i feels like i was sengih2 mcm kerang busuk dpn dorg yg wat jokes non stop itu..thank allah swt my first class had been canceled..yeeeeaaaahhhh rase mcm dh bertahun klas x dptla bdn ni nk rhat2 well as ngan rse yg x tng at all..

disebabkan rse x tng the whole day..n i was thn my self from g vomit dpn org2 ramai sekalian alam itu... so beta x sempat la nk berposing2 mengamek gambo..harap maklum la ye rakyat jelate.. beta mintak ampun.. beta dah mntak ampun ni.. sile la hulur duit raye :p berkat of this month, i was managed to hold my  fasting till the time of the maghrib adhzan berkumandang (even hnye di corong2 speaker hp nokia nora but it does brings happiness to all who been listened to it :D)  TQ cik nora..hee

cik nora.. thanks la give that mkanan to me :D:D:D x lupe to mija yg supply food for me..maka perut beta kini kian mengmbang cm belon..hehehe air mineral beta dh abes 6 kotak just for today during the breaking fast time..haha cano nk jimat tu eyh?haha

apepun.. a big tahniah to all yg berjaye mengharungi dugaan berpuase for sha Allah jikalau ade kudrat kite puase la lagi beramai2 ye :):):)

with mahhabah
admin :)
22 may 2012

eyh lupe nk knalkan cik nora ngan mija..hikhik..
well fellas..this are y chickas..(note : chickas is not chicken okeyh )

ni miss mija :D:D:D
(ni je pic yg i ade sorryy)

and this is cik nora..heheh
and once again 
(ni je pic yg i ade sorryy)

Monday, May 21, 2012

grab it dont waste it :D

assalamualaikum wbt :)

 ape kaba rkyat jelata ? hehe.. no worries this entry will be as short as possible (short la sgt kan) hehe.. i wrote this entry on 21 may 2207 case la if x smpat nk upload..haha..

here i just wanna say about this upcoming spectacular month..hoho in fact dh dtg dh pn month tu..what month i have been talking about.. its rejab :D:D:D here some introduction about rejab month :)

1. Rejab ertinya “Mulia”. Bulan Rejab adalah bulan mulia. Ia diberi nama sedemikian kerana bangsa Arab dahulu sangat memuliakan bulan ini dengan 4 cara iaitu: -
(i) Tanggal 1hb Rejab mereka menyembelih anak unta sebagai qurban.

(ii) Tanggal 1hb Rejab mereka akan membuka pintu Ka’abah siang dan malam agar dapat beribadah dengan sepuasnya.

(iii) Tanggal 10hb Rejab mereka kembali menyembelih qurban tetapi tidak lagi anak unta. Amalan ini telah dibatalkan setelah datangnya Islam.

(iv) Bulan diharamkan berperang, setelah datangnya Islam amalan ini juga telah dibatalkan.

2. Tanggal 27hb Rejab berlakunya peristiwa penting dalam kehidupan Rasulullah SAW iaitu Isra’ dan Mi’raj. Terdapat khilaf di kalangan ulama’ mengenai tarikh sebenar berlakunya peristiwa ini tetapi jumhur ulama’ bersepakat menerima ianya berlaku pada 27hb Rejab. Tarikh berlakunya Isra’ dan Mi’raj tidaklah penting tetapi umat Islam wajib meyakini bahawa peristiwa ini benar-benar berlaku ke atas tubuh mulia Rasulullah SAW berdasarkan dalil qatie dari al-Quran dan hadis-hadis sahih.

3. Pada bulan ini juga berlakunya peperangan Tabuk pada tahun 9 Hijrah iaitu peperangan terakhir yang disaksikan oleh Rasulullah SAW.

huhu nmpak sgt i copy n paste je kan :p haha well tu je yg mampu..kite kan still learning :) here guys.. lets us take the benefits of the rajab month :):) it has a lot of barakah..disebabkan my server ni adelah macam kure2 jalanan..haha so agak susah nk share macam2 sorry..hee so atleast i can share with u guys this month we are digalakkan to puase..hehe so guys.. jom puase beramai2 :) in sha allah we will get the barakah aminn :):)

here some tip to start the rejab month :):)

with mahabbah
admin :)

new start again? o.0

assalamualaikum wbt.. :)

this entry is not my first entry anyway..since i use to blog not a long time ago but i just feel that all the entries i had posted its kinda fake. what i mean is i was not being my self at all when i wrote all that stuff.. here i as the lawful admin would like to give my sincere apology to all of u..xkisah la if pnh bce or not my entries dolu2 kan..haha

i wish i look like this :p

so, all my former entries i just deleted it. all of it. hence, i decided to just restart my blog :) well can be considered this as my first entry :) huhu i hope that after this if any of u guys reads my will bring a positive aura to u guys.. aminn :D although i didnt help much but i hope what i had or will post can inspire u guys as much as it inspire me :D 

i did not want to say much in this entry or else i akan merapu2 kat sini..hihi.. for those out there who feels that u r fake before this..then change :) its nothing to be ashamed of long as u change for the better..people make mistakes my dear readers..i admit it..i was also once being far from my self. but its not too late to change. have faith in your self and have faith in the almighty.. Allah knows whats best for us...whenever u get depressed or rse x terurus kinda stuff.. then grab ur telekung and perform your sollah..prays to Him..its ok if be a cry baby in front of Him..every tiny drops of our cries in sha Allah our sins will be forgiven..Allah maha pengampun kan anyways :D

i know me myself was not perfect at all..some of u might say ko sape nk bg2 tazkirah ntah pape ni kan..but at least i do give out what i felt at times i was at most miserable state n jahil..being jahil about my self n my creator as pathetic i think..i cried at most of the times when i felt i start being jahil again..its not like i was saying i am a very muslimah girl..i am my self..still me just i learn bit by bit to change for the better.. 

im sorry..for being those plactic sorry if i hurt any of u, im sorry for all my mistakes, forgive me, im sorry from the bottom of my heart.. start the new me :) for the readers..say sorry for all of your wrong doings..its hard at first but in sha Allah, its gonna get better afterwards..

a reminder for all of us
with mahabbah
admin :)