Thursday, July 12, 2012

Drama drama drama

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Life is never gonna be that easy right? Every family has their own problems. The only common thing between all the families is the drama..YES!!! DRAMA!!! Goshh I think all the award of the best drama should goes to the malay family. Its not that I am discriminating other races but I do think that malay families are full with drama.

For example you see, these kind of thing often happens in most families,,

Us: baring2 tido malas nk bgn
Them(the old folks): bgn2 g mndi..g siap2.. (ngan gaye bebel mak2)
Us: 2 minit2..ade org ngah mandi la..nanti la jap ag mandi..
Them: cepat la bgn siap..!!! (suara kalau boleh nk bg satu dunia tau)
Us: yela2..(bgn dgn reluctantly..then g mandi)
Them: bebel2 ntah pape (contains xdpt dikenal pasti)
Bile kita ngah nak siap2..bese le makan mase nk siap kan..mandi pn lame..hahaha di samping other siblings yg x reti nk bgn ag..
Them: (secara tiba2 di saat sume org dh bgn nk siap) susah sgt la ngan korg sume ni!! Suruh bgn pn xnak bgn..kalau macam ni la perangai sume org..dah la korg pegi sndiri…ak xnak ikut..korg dh besa pndai..dh xyah ade ak nk kjut..and bla bla bla…

See..bende kecik pn nk besa2 kan..pdahal sume org pn take times kot nk siap segale..bknnye lmbt pn..ade ag satu jam..mak aih..bknnye nk complaints or what so ever..but that’s the truth.. sometimes old folks are tooo emotional..and their biggest problem is they cant accept that they are wrong !!!!!  they are always right..all the time..

You see, we are growing up..teenagers especially and those who are in pre adult most of us..growing up stage is important. At this stage we are observing how older people behave. In my personal opinions they should show us good example in parenting. What I mean here is they cannot just nk burst kat kita without any reasonable reasons. If we grow up watching them gets emotional most of the time because of remeh temeh things..the possibility for us to be exactly like that is high.. in most families kids are afraid to tell that their parents are wrong..

Sometimes when they gets too emotional don’t u think that we might get some internal problems..the youngsters have no one to express their ketidakpuasan hati..yes they do have friends but friends can only listens but cant never cure family problems. Hence, the youngsters will have no choice but to deal with it..or just pendam dlm hati..or even worst act crazily such as..doing bad stuff or bad socials something.
All I want to say is everyone has weaknesses. Its not like we have to be strong all the time, to be always right all the time, we have each other to support..make used of it before its getting too late.. just let us think about it..if youngsters growing up watching unhealthy family lifestyle don’t u think that they will be doing the same thing later? in the future? Then, there will be no different. We or them will repeat the mistakes and live in the same cycle of life, where folks are always right and too emotional..

Respect others if you want them to respect you. For me family is everything.. no matter how annoying they are, how irritating and how stubborn they are.. I still love them..but sometimes it become a problem when youngsters have no authority to defend themselves because of the I am always right principle. when we are defending ourselves then they get so touchy and become cry baby.. and at the end we are the ones who ask for forgiveness although its not our faults.

So I am asking..when all this drama will end??? Do we will repeat it?? And live in the same cycle of life? All ends with a question marks..

readers..have to remember that this is my personal opinions..xbermaksud nak ckp anything bad bout parents okeyh :D
Thanks to those yg luangkan mase nak bace

With mahabbah

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