Wednesday, June 27, 2012

smile when it was raining :)

assalamualaikum.. :)

how r u?
im fine tq

suddenly rase nk update since it is the first time kl hujan eversince i came home heee..although i have to admit la..i tkut jgak ujan lbat2 ni act...dgn kilat2 n petir2 was scary to me...

whenever it was raining and you are alone at home..i kinda think about the old memories...hehe dulu when i was young...mase hujan la paling seronok..hahaha lagi2 bile hujan mase skola was because i can blek umah ngan redah ujan...seronok ooooohhhhh :D:D:D main ujan mandi ujan.. blek2 basah kuyup..hahah pdahal dkat je distance sekola agame tu ngan my house..

mase tu i was kecik ag..still in my primary that time my arwah atuk was still with us..since i lived with her..everytime bile blek skola agame basah2 kuyup..i will duduk dpn pntu umah act mcm dlm drama lame2..hahaha act as if i was being kicked out of the house la..act like i was in the middle of rescuing somebody la...hahaha mase kecik2 yg pnuh ngan imaginasi over2..

bile bukak pintu umah tu..arwah atuk just say..

me: assalamualaikum...(with mengetuk pintu sekuat hati)
maktok: (trus opened the door with towel in her hands) ya allah anak bertuah ni..jgn msuk selagi bdn awak basah2..
me: oryte atuk !!!!

and every time i blek basah2 precious maktok will jerang air and prepare a hot water bath for so that i will not catch a cold..huuu soo sweetttt kan.. heee

what a great memory mase ujan2 cmni..thats my story mase hujan..i know lots of people ade memories mase ujan kan..well sometimes those memories will make a smile on our face... hee

soo dont stop remembering :):):)

with mahabbah

pillsss???? not for me!!

assalamualaikum.. :D:D

its been quite a long time x update here.. :D:D

lately since malaysia weather is kinda like soo unfriendly to us..its crucial for people us ni to take some precautions to not to fall sick.. u guys know yg headache is not a good thing...its a serious matter..bile sakit kepale most of us tends to take panadol or whatever yg seangkatan dengannye..

people !! pills are not good to our body..there are a lots of ways that can helps to reduce headache instead of trus p tlan pills some advices from me yg x makan ubat2 pil ni :)kalau kite dh sakit kepale..

1. minum air masak/air teh/air limau
      tapi seeloknye air masak masak la ye..Kemungkinan badan kita dahaga (dehidrasi). Jadi kembalikan keperluan cecair badan dengan minuman terbaik, air kosong atau jika mahu sedap, air limau purut atau teh. Minum dua atau tiga gelas air kosong seteguk-seteguk, rehat.

as for my case..sometime air masak tu seems mcm x brape nk mendatangkan kesan..for me..i will drink some milk if air masak tu dh x memberi kesan..the best milk is the natural one..without additional flavour in it.. :)

2.Bernafas Lebih Efisien Sambil Tutup Mata
     Satu kajian menunjukkan kurang 50% penduduk dunia benar-benar bernafas secara 'betul'. Kemungkinan sakit kepala berlaku akibat kekurangan oksigen. Jadi tenangkan diri, bernafas dalam-dalam buat seketika sambil pejamkan mata (rilekskan otot mata punca sakit kepala).

its true ok..most of us are lacking skill in doing so..our head or body was not able to get the essential oxygen that we need..hence..whenever the sakit kepale is coming..please do make sure that you are breathing.. 

 3. Spa/ Stim/ Mandi air panas
     Berendam dalam air panas atau dapatkan rawatan stim dalam beg stim yang boleh dibeli di pasaraya untuk kegunaan dirumah. Atau kunjungi bilik spa berdekatan untuk mendapatkan rawatn stim.

well...i do believe that not all of us are berkemampuan nk g spa ke whatsoever.. hence the best way is to mandi la air panas..nak ag best..ajak la family or friends beramai2 pegi la ke kolam air panas..its good to our body and can cure some health problems.. :D:D

4. Picit/ Urutan kepala
    Ambil tuala kecil, basahkan dengan air dingin. Tekan-tekan tuala secara lembut di bahagian kepala dan leher belakang. Cara ini dapat mengurangkan tegangan yang berlaku di sekitar kepala.

kalau dh x boleh sgt..or dh x reti nk urut acane..moh le tmpal2 koyok..hehehe...

5. Meditasi/ Tidur

   Cara paling mudah dan berkesan. Tutup lampu/langsir/televisyen dan lain-lain, berehat dan tidurlah dengan aman.

thats the best way to hilangkan sakit kepale..amek bntal byk2..susun2..bukak kipas..ttup lampu then bammmm tdo le... :):) mcm ini 

remember.. eyes muscles play an important role when it comes to headache.. so for those yg suke tdo lambat mcm i..heheh do some stretching involving the eyes area before going to bed.. :D it will help to loosen up the muscle a bit and our body become more relax.. 

please takes some action bile kite dah sakit kepale..just to prevent from the worse to happen.. :D:D:D
but if it getting worse u should probably go see the doctor oryte :)
well selamat mencube heheh..i hope it gonna work.. :D

with mahhabah

Monday, June 11, 2012

2 in 1

assalamualaikum... :)

today act nk  cte psal y people cant follow my blog??? i had tried everything le kot..but still tarak bulih !!! nak kate bute IT tu..ade le sket2..xde le bute gelap terus..masih ade samar2 le terang tu..hhahah tp still den x taw acano nk buek ngan blog eden ni.. 

itu pun baru menyedari about it yesterday bile my friends kate they cant follow my wonder le xde org follow saye..hikhikhik (padahal mmg xde sape nak follow pun) skrg ni..sesaje la nk post this entry since t i sorg je yg bce blek..haha memandang xde followers.. :p 

hurm..right now..segale kemusykilan masih mencari sha Allah after this akan diusahakan acano nak bg people follow saye oryte :):):) 

p/s: today exam weeks dh start dh kat u saye ini.. and tomorrow is my first paper... semoge dapat jawab all the questions and everything goes well..aminnn istajbillah huma d`ua anna fil kulli im`tihan ya mujibb :):):)

haha..those past study week i was like having my leisure time macam live in my own world..feels like everyday is a holiday..hhaha dah nk exam dekat sangat2 ngan exam baru rse mcm stdy week isn't enough..puihhh..alasan le tu ak ni..astagrafirullah..insaf le wahai diri..anyway right on exam mode is on !! 

ni le ghupe ak bile dh desperado..

at last it turns like this..hahaa nmpk x baek sket i cover those words..haha

 hahah but x elok le jdik cm sye di atas u guys..blaja baek2 n all the best :)

here some help from me.. :)

with mahabbah

Sunday, June 10, 2012


 assalamualaikum :) 
so as the tittle above,this post is tribute to them..siape kah mereka? haha inile mereka..hahha

hee :D

this post was made specially as a reply to this post here which mija kate nak kurus..huhu apperently syila pn  begitu jue..hohho so sme le kisahnye ngan ak disini..hahah it all started with the conversation between me ngan asyilah on one particular night..hahhaa setelah melihat hot setap minum teh phit just a matter nak kurus!! huuhuu.. :p n ag terase menusuk di hati pabile care itu menjadi weyh !! aiyo2..

make, dh cerite2 cam last mija pn kuarkan that kind of entry..heheh setelah ak bncng2 ngan mereka yg sepatutnye dibincangkan bersame..hahah so this entry is to accept the challenge to my self..hahah penuh ngan courage ak nk wt post ni..huhuhu :)

act the purpose of accepting this kurus thingy is not la nk g megah2 kat org bout lovely curve haha bjet je..but to encourage others that sometime being kurus is good to our body mind and soul..hoho 4 me.. i wanna be kurus again just because i want to wear my old clothes again..mmg la ak x kurus mane mse zaman2 sekolah but it was least i was comfortable with my self dolu2.. :) its kinda hard having a big size body when we used to be kurus (at least kurus sket dri dulu) for me it feels like im loosing some of my confidence n its hard 4 me nk crik bju2..and again i become STRESSU.. 

here...beta ingin mengumumkan bahawesenye.. mission nak kurus is accepted..haha :D:D:D the target is nearly zman skola menengah...haha :p 

target mija nak jdik cmni

and target aku nk jdik cmni :D

and for asyilah saye x tw le..hahaha 

we are gonna be like that !!! yes kami mau kurus !!!

with mahabbah 
admin :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

refreshing SEOUL GARDEN

assalamualaikum wbt..

rase cm lame kemain x updte ryte?hoho..recently, i blik umah...rse amat bahagie weyh :D:D:D cm dah bertahun2 lak x blek..hee.. xsadar r tu exam next week :p so nak di buat cte..on one fine day which was sabtu sis and i together with my makteh g makan2...wah2 :D:D i was so thrilled..bese le..ala2 ruse masuk kampung le sket bile first time g makan at someplace yg we all g la makan kat seoul garden located at festival city setapak kuala lumpur..huhu :D:D memang terbaik weyh 

gile terase aman damai mase makan..nak2 bile i x makan dari pg..mmg ak terjah abes sume food2 yg ade.hhaha..basically it served us korean kinda style of food..byk beno..yg mcm if kite tgk rncgn2 korean yg pggang2 segale tu cnthnye running man huu faveret alltime that la kite mam kat seoul garden itu :D:D:D  oh lupe nk habaq..its all buffet :D:D:D

 ni le seoul garden festival city yawww :D

ni yg makan smpai x igt dunia..haha

ni sos yg cicah2 itu..bahagienyee

ni part yg best! refill la byk mne air korg shaver pn ade..

haha makin double2 gemok le ak.. :D

to all yg mau try this..lets try..berbaloi weyh..seriously..i admitted it was a bit expansive but totally worth it..better try it now !! here i put it some reference for the price u guys can as well bugjet2 sket money..hee 

go n enjoy !!!

with mahabbah :)