Monday, June 11, 2012

2 in 1

assalamualaikum... :)

today act nk  cte psal y people cant follow my blog??? i had tried everything le kot..but still tarak bulih !!! nak kate bute IT tu..ade le sket2..xde le bute gelap terus..masih ade samar2 le terang tu..hhahah tp still den x taw acano nk buek ngan blog eden ni.. 

itu pun baru menyedari about it yesterday bile my friends kate they cant follow my wonder le xde org follow saye..hikhikhik (padahal mmg xde sape nak follow pun) skrg ni..sesaje la nk post this entry since t i sorg je yg bce blek..haha memandang xde followers.. :p 

hurm..right now..segale kemusykilan masih mencari sha Allah after this akan diusahakan acano nak bg people follow saye oryte :):):) 

p/s: today exam weeks dh start dh kat u saye ini.. and tomorrow is my first paper... semoge dapat jawab all the questions and everything goes well..aminnn istajbillah huma d`ua anna fil kulli im`tihan ya mujibb :):):)

haha..those past study week i was like having my leisure time macam live in my own world..feels like everyday is a holiday..hhaha dah nk exam dekat sangat2 ngan exam baru rse mcm stdy week isn't enough..puihhh..alasan le tu ak ni..astagrafirullah..insaf le wahai diri..anyway right on exam mode is on !! 

ni le ghupe ak bile dh desperado..

at last it turns like this..hahaa nmpk x baek sket i cover those words..haha

 hahah but x elok le jdik cm sye di atas u guys..blaja baek2 n all the best :)

here some help from me.. :)

with mahabbah

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